A Time Spent Searching Movies Set in 80's and 90's - Thu, Sep 30, 2021
All the time for nothing?
Time passes so quickly, it REALLY does!. The value of somethings can be quite precious since time passes so quickly. If I leave aside the metaphorical talk, I am stuck in the atmosphere of the 80s, which I have not experienced, and the 90s period, which I’ve seen these good old days cannot forget. I think that both the excitement of hearing from my old friends and watching so many movies about 90’s and 80’s abreact this feeling a lot. ”
Well. If you paid attention, it’s seen that’s not only my attention that so many films with the theme of the 80s and 90s were released in the last 5 years. Frankly, I have no complaints. Vice versa, maybe it’s a “cliche” but I’s a person who want to live in 1940s, if possible. I wish I had been born at that time, but this is a completely different topic I’ll never talk about.
If we back to Hollywood, the return to the 80s and 90s can be described as a move made by the industry to reach the “good old days”. In my opinion, in this way they can reach wider audiences. Those who grew up in the 80s and of course the popular culture love these movies. Because everyone finds something in them. The best example of the theory would be Stranger Things. Riverdale is also a good example as a series, although it is “open to question” whether it will be a “best” example or not.
“Are they successful” is debatable and I don’t intend to discuss that. Why are we seeing these themes more often? I don’t know. Don’t care. I have no complaints about the increase such movies lately, as they have given me that old familiar feeling while watching… The important thing is for me, especially as a horror lover, whether they keep 80’s and 90’s atmosphere in horror movies alive. Because the feeling the atmosphere like you’re in it is quite satisfying. Maybe I feel that way because because Halloween is coming, I don’t know…
Since I’m quite a character with obsessed specific themes like modern-day movies set in the 80’s and 90’s was/is always on my radar. This article was actually something that I wrote because I couldn’t find satisfying answers in a thread I opened on Reddit a long time ago, and I wanted to share the movie list that I personally dealt with and put together. It’s kind of a public service.
Of course, I don’t know if anyone out there is obsessed with “80s and 90s horror movies” as I am, but since this is a mind-space-junk where I empty my mind, I think I have right to write whatever I want in here. (?)
And of course, I haven’t been able to expand my list much so far, as I have carefully chosen the movies I watch (because I take the time to watch them…). But I’m always open to suggestions. (If someone has read this article and has suggestions…) Here the very important “list” I mentioned
Playing while I was writing: Lovett - Winter